
£49K Raised From Sleep Outs: Academy Players Visit Homeless Charities

Thu 25th January 2024

Our supporters have done it again, raising an incredible £49,000 by taking part in our Big Ibrox Sleep Outs!

Around 180 supporters slept out overnight in our iconic Stadium and braved the elements to raise vital funds, with half the money raised going to the Foundation’s work in the community and the other half to two important initiatives from Glasgow City Mission and Simon Community Scotland designed to tackle homelessness in our city.

2 academy football players serve teas and coffeesAcademy players Paul Nsio, Darren McInally and Connor Allan attended Glasgow City Mission’s drop-in lunch at their Crimea Street Centre this week with Academy Coach Malky Thomson and Foundation staff to present a cheque and help out with the lunch service.

The young players, some of whom took part in the Sleep Outs, welcomed guests, served soup and hot drinks, chatted to guests and helped clear up afterwards.

Malky Thomson commented: “Today we witnessed first-hand how important the work of the Rangers Foundation is.

“Our players spent some time listening to how others have to live their lives and how homelessness is not selective – it can happen to anyone.  The reality of this has been a humbling education, not just for the players but also for myself.”

Funds raised from the Sleep Outs mean that Glasgow City Mission can continue to operate the Overnight Welcome Centre during the coldest months, supporting those needing accommodation into an emergency bed.Foundation staff serve lunch at Glasgow City Mission

Glasgow City Mission reported recently on the 50th night of this winter’s Overnight Welcome Centre that it had already helped 491 guests find emergency accommodation and saved 4 lives via administering CPR or Naloxone.

Jack Geddes, Marketing and Fundraising Manager at Glasgow City Mission, commented: “The Rangers Charity Foundation and all the Rangers fans who slept out have again blessed our guests with a hugely significant donation that allows us to open our Overnight Welcome Centre.

“This year we have been extremely busy and the generosity and support given has been crucial in stopping rough sleeping in Glasgow.”

The funds raised for Simon Community Scotland are supporting the creation and provision of Crisis Packs. Each pack could contain essential items such as toiletries, food vouchers, a winter jacket, hat, scarf, gloves and gas and electricity top ups.

They also provide kettle packs to people who are homeless who are staying in city centre B&Bs or hotels with no kitchen facilities.

Man giving thumbs upSimon Community Scotland’s Murray Easton commented: “Everyone at Simon Community Scotland would like to say a heartfelt thank you to the Rangers Charity Foundation for inviting us to be a partner for the Big Ibrox Sleep Outs. We would also like to extend a huge thank you to all participants and their family, friends and networks that helped to raise such a magnificent amount of money. It will make a real difference to our safe places and support for people experiencing homelessness.

“Last week our Glasgow Street Team and Hub prevented 42 people from rough sleeping in horrendous weather. Sadly, there are still 15-20 people sleeping rough on the city streets every night. We’re doing all we can to support them.”

“Thanks to donations from the Big Ibrox Sleep Out, we can ensure that people we support receive warm winter clothing, food vouchers, sleeping bags and toiletries. These basic essentials are lifesaving, so everyone involved should be extremely proud of organising, taking part and sponsoring.

“I would also like to highlight the difference the donation of food from the postponed Ross County game made to our hub and supported accommodation services across Glasgow in late December. Thank you again for thinking of us and I sincerely hope we can do more together in the future.”

The Rangers Charity Foundation’s David Henson commented: “Thank you to everyone who took part in our Big Ibrox Sleep Outs and a huge thank you to our event sponsors Kindred.

“Our projects addressing homelessness in the city of Glasgow really resonate with our supporters and they can be sure that their contribution has a huge impact on those who find themselves without a secure place to stay.”

“The recent statistics from both Glasgow City Mission and Simon Community Scotland show just how necessary this support continues to be.”

academy player cleaning up dishes

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