
CashBack Graduates vs Police Scotland Football Match

Fri 3rd March 2023

Graduates from the Rangers Charity Foundation’s latest CashBack for Communities – Towards New Futures course played Police Scotland yesterday in a friendly football match at Benburb FC in Govan to celebrate the end of the current programme.

After a tight game, the CashBack and Foundation team won 4-2 and enjoyed a cup presentation, led by captain William Gilchrist.

The Foundation’s Cashback For Communities – Towards New Futures programme aims to re-engage people aged 16-24 with experience of the criminal justice system and help them move towards a more positive future including working, volunteering or further education. It is delivered in partnership with four Scottish prisons, Govan Thriving Place and a range of key community and industry partners, including Police Scotland.

Derek Rhoddan, Cashback Coordinator at the Rangers Charity Foundation said: 

“The young people have done really well on the course and I’m proud to say that they are all going on to positive destinations such as employment, college placements or volunteering. Every single candidate gained at least three SQA Awards which will help with their employment prospects and confidence. In fact, over the last two years, the vast majority who have taken part have gone on to a positive destination which is a huge achievement considering the barriers they face.

“Police Scotland are a really important partner for us and come in every week to talk to the groups about topics like social media footprint and hate crime. These are really valuable sessions but also provide an opportunity for the young people to get to know the Police, and vice versa, and build relationships. 

“The match today is symbolic of really breaking down barriers and a celebration of everything the young people have achieved on the course.”

CashBack team captain William Gilchrist, from Larkhall, South Lanarkshire, lifted the trophy watched on by his Gran Kay. She said:

“ This course has changed William completely. Derek and the other coaches treated him as an individual and have listened to him and thought about his needs. That’s sometimes all you need with someone who has ADHD.

I had tried to get him involved in different courses or programmes before but there was always a barrier. From day one, he has been welcomed by the Foundation staff, listened to, encouraged and has looked forward to coming. He is really proud to be team captain today and it is great for me to see.”

Cashback participants also improve their physical and mental health as part of the programme by taking part in accredited fitness and coaching sessions and a mental health first aid course.

The initiative includes a variety of formal and industry recognised awards (including utilising the Foundation’s SQA Centre status), vocational work experience and the development of core skills which greatly enhances their employment prospects and CVs.

The programme is free and is run four days per week for eight weeks. Participants also have continued support after completion of the course to help them stay motivated and on track to achieving their goals.

CashBack for Communities is a unique Scottish Government programme which takes funds recovered through the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and invests them into community programmes, facilities and activities largely aimed at diverting young people at risk away from potentially criminal or anti-social behaviour.

For any further information about our range of our education and employability programmes, contact 

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