Christmas Starts Here!
Thu 14th December 2017

The Rangers Charity Foundation has been bringing Christmas spirit to the local community with a series of initiatives to help kids, old folk and local people throughout December.
The Foundation has already made a £10,000 donation to Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity, helped put up Christmas decorations on the wards with the Rangers under 17s and 20s and visited the Hospital with the first team squad.
A special Christmas lunch for over 70 older people from local community groups takes place at Ibrox today which includes a festive drink and meal, a Christmas gift and entertainment from Govan High School’s choir and band.
We’re also delivering toys and games to local families in need via a host of local partners, including Govan’s NSPCC, Glasgow City Mission and Aberlour Youth Point. Two generous donations of toys have helped us make Christmas special for kids who might not have received a present otherwise.
Our supporters have made all this great work possible thanks to their commitment and generosity over the course of the year. Merry Christmas to everyone, and best wishes for 2018 from everyone at the Foundation!