
FFIT Brought Back My Confidence

Tue 20th December 2022

Before joining Football Fans In Training (FFIT), Iain Main’s weight was ‘piling’ up and his mental health was at an all-time low.

The Rangers supporter had stopped playing football with his friends and lost his confidence to get out the house and get active after diabetes, employment and Covid-19 and lockdowns had taken its toll on the 40-year-old.

But after spotting some success stories on the Rangers Charity Foundation social media pages, Iain was inspired to kickstart his pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and to get back on the pitch with his mates.

And the chance to become fitter, healthier, and happier at the same time for free at his beloved Ibrox was a big appeal to him.

Iain said: “I’m 40 years old but, before FFIT, I felt much older than that!

“I’d been fairly inactive for a long spell. I’d gave up football, weight piled on. I wanted to get back into playing 5-a-side but I was scared in case I took unwell because of my lack of fitness.

“Mentally, during Covid and lockdowns, I wasn’t in a great place. I was in a job that I wasn’t happy in and, when you are not confident in yourself, you are not going to make that move.

“But FFIT got me to a place mentally where I could make that decision to move jobs and now I’m happy.

“The Rangers aspect of it was a big part of why I wanted to join the programme. I want to be involved in anything to do with Rangers! I had saw stories of people who had previously been on the programme from the Foundation Twitter page and people I knew had told me good things about it.”

Iain lost more than two stones during the 13-week programme and has turned his eating habits around thanks to FFIT coaches simplifying information. They were also experts in building group camaraderie to encourage participants to complete their goals together.

Iain said: “FFIT has changed my life quite a fair bit. Simple things like walking is easier now and I sleep better.

“My diet is better too. FFIT taught you the simple things rather than scare you with cutting everything out of your diet altogether. The coaches simplify it and show you how you can make the small changes. And when you’ve got that group of support from the guys and the teachers – it’s made a huge difference! The guys were all giving each other tips and helping each other.”

Iain’s admits there is no looking back for him now and he is aiming to return to playing football with his friends and join the FFIT For Life programme, for those who want to continue their progress with their group after completing the course.

He’s even completed Foundation fundraising events such as the Blue All Over Fun Run and Bears Up The Stairs, something he admits he would never have been able to do had he not joined FFIT.

Iain said: “I don’t see myself going back the way. It’s made a huge difference to the way I feel physically every single day.

“It makes work easier when you have a physical job. My mental health has been hugely improved by it. Mental health is another focus of the group that I wasn’t expecting but it was amazing when the guys all got together, how quickly that became a topic of conversation. I found it very easy to talk to the guys.

“Before I didn’t feel confident in myself to run and take part in things. I took part in the Blue All Over Fun Run which is something I wouldn’t have done before FFIT. I really enjoyed it and I would never have said I enjoyed running before, unless I was playing football.

“FFIT is not just a fitness class. It was like being back playing for a football team 20 years ago. There was really good camaraderie and I enjoyed that part of it and I would recommend it to anyone!”

Find out if you are eligible to take part in our new FFIT courses with the SPFL Trust starting soon by clicking HERE.

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