Get Started on the Path to Success!
Wed 26th July 2017
A group of young people took their first step towards a brighter future today when they came along to an information event at Ibrox to find out more about Get Started With Football – an employability course run by the Rangers Charity Foundation and The Prince’s Trust.
Get Started is designed to help young people develop the skills, confidence and motivation required to kick-start their careers and allow them to progress into further education or work.
The Foundation’s Jamie Duncanson was on hand to talk about the opportunities the week long course can offer, including two recognised qualifications in First Aid and football coaching as well as personal profile development and IT skills.
Josh Sweeney, a former Get Started participant and now a community coach at Rangers, spoke about his own journey and how the course helped him land his current role.
“The course helped me to gain confidence and all-round employability skills,” he explained, “I learned a lot from the coaches and now I’m taking more coaching badges and working my way up. There are opportunities out there if you want them and are ready to work hard.”
Get Started targets young people aged 16 – 25 years who are currently out of work but are interested in football or sports coaching. The intensive five day course teaches them the basics of coaching as well as more general employability skills and helps to build confidence and self-esteem.
A special celebration event at the end of the week is followed up with three months of additional support for participants to help them take their next steps into further education or employment and potentially a career in football or sports coaching.
The Prince’s Trust’s Nadine Keenan commented, “Get Started targets young people who are further away from the job market, who have perhaps never worked or left school at an early age with little or no qualifications. There are many different barriers to progression for them and this course aims to help them overcome these.”