
Getting support for your mental health

Thu 30th April 2020

During the Coronavirus outbreak, you may be feeling lonely or are seeing big changes to your normal routine. Many people will find these things difficult and will experience more stress at this time.

You may be worried about yourself and your family and how you can look after your mental health. It’s normal to feel stressed, scared, confused and even angry.

If you have any of those feelings, there is information and advice available from credible and reliable sources – and we at the Rangers Charity Foundation want to make sure you can access them.  

Below is a list of links and posters, which can support you and your loved ones.

It’s OK not to be OK. Ask for help.

NHS Inform will give you all the accurate Coronavirus advice you need to keep yourself safe. 

NHS Trusted Mental Health and Wellbeing Apps

Parent Club for pregnant and new parents. 

Young Minds for children and young people. Helpline: 08088025544. 


Mental Wellbeing and COVID-19 support from SAMH

How to look after your mental health

General Anxiety. Text service: 07537416905. 

For anyone needing support for domestic abuse as well as family members, this is a confidential, sensitive service for anyone to call. You can speak to a professional in your preferred language: 08000271234 or email

Bereavement helpline and listening support. 

Family Bereavement Centre provides counselling free of charge by anyone affected by the death of a child. For a wide range of organisations dealing with Bereavement please click here.

Loneliness support. 

Self harm support. 

Suicidal thoughts: Samaritans telephone 116 123 lines open 24 hours.

Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87 lines open 24 hours at weekends.

Do you need help now? If so dial 999 right away – don’t cope alone!

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