
Hundreds Turn Out For 2023 Blue All Over Fun Run

Wed 26th April 2023

Marvin Andrews in Blue all Over Fun Run

Hundreds of Foundation supporters were painted ‘Blue All Over’ as they returned to Ibrox for the popular fun run event.

The Blue All Over 5K Fun Run saw over 250 fans sign up to run, jog or walk around the stadium on Sunday 23 April. Fan favourite Marvin Andrews led the warm up and took part.

Fans were even treated to a performance from Jodie Pollock after they crossed the finish line.

David Henson, Rangers Charity Foundation Supporter Engagement and Events Executive, commented: “The fans did so well at the run and the atmosphere was great on the day.

“Our Fun Runs at Ibrox have been a huge success over the years and the money raised will all be used to help support our work with our charity partners and in the community.”

“I want to thank our fans for their generosity and enthusiasm for supporting us and all our contributors who helped make this day possible.”

“Special thanks to Marvin for being such a good sport and getting Blue All Over.”

This latest running event follows on from successful fun runs which started in 2016 and have proven to be fan favourites.

Greg Smith ran around Ibrox Stadium to help fundraise for the Foundation and its charity partners.

He said: “It was great! Absolutely covered in paint but it was brilliant. It was the first time we’ve done it, but we’d definitely come back for round two. We were running in memory of my mother in-law Teresa Hunter who worked for the club and that helped spur us on.”

Rangers B player, Cameron Cooper, who helped get the participants caked in paint said: “It was a great laugh, and we like helping out the Charity in any way we can.

“It was great to see so many people help raise money for our Foundation while having fun.”

You can view a full gallery of photos from the day here

The Rangers Charity Foundation would like to thank Tunnock’s, Lucozade, Coca Cola, Country Park Catering, Nixon Hire, Jodie Pollock and of course our amazing volunteers.

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