Joy of Moving Restarts in Schools
Tue 11th May 2021

Following the easing of restrictions in Scotland, the Joy of moving programme – which is designed to inspire active lifestyles in children, is being delivered in person again for the first time this year.
The restart of the Joy of Moving programme, which is Ferrero’s unbranded corporate social responsibility project, was marked by a virtual Q and A session for Crookston Castle Primary School kids with Rangers Youth players Tony Weston and Mackenzie Strachan. A group of Primary 5 and 6 pupils had a chance to ask the players about what it is like to be a full-time football player and how they stay active.
In the UK, only 45% of children currently meet the recommended guidelines of taking part in physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day. The research also showed that the biggest factor that prevents children moving in Primary 3-6 is that they simply don’t move if they don’t enjoy the activity. In fact, those who enjoy the activity they are doing are likely to spend a third more of their time moving.
To navigate this challenge, the Joy of moving’s ‘Move & Learn’ project aims to inspire 9-10 year olds to get physically active and enjoy movement. During the six weeks in school, children learn, through fun games inspired by the Joy of moving methodology, about the importance of physical activity and balanced diets based on the Eatwell Guide. Students spend 45 minutes completing a fun, practical session and then 45 minutes of learning in a classroom.
Annually 1,800 children in the Glasgow area take part in the programme, encouraging future generations to embrace a balanced and active lifestyle.
Jordan Boyd, Senior Community Executive at the Rangers Charity Foundation said:
“It is great to see the kids back enjoying the Joy of moving sessions in person after such a long break. Hearing directly from the Rangers Youth players really brought to life the importance of staying active. Not everyone is going to become a professional footballer but there was something in there that everyone can relate to.”
Jacqueline Mathers, Formal Depute Head commented:
“The Joy of moving project is a great programme which our children have really engaged with since Crookston Castle Primary became involved a few years ago.
It fits alongside and complements nicely with our own Health and Well Being curriculum by delivering topics where the children learn about many aspects of what it means to lead an active and balanced lifestyle.
It is delivered by the Rangers coaches in a fun, practical way which the children love.”
We are grateful to Ferrero for their support via their charity partnership with SPFL Trust.