Michael Mols launches new Unicef initiative
Wed 28th September 2016

Rangers Legend Michael Mols has announced the Rangers Charity Foundation’s new global initiative with Unicef, the world’s leading organisation working for children, which will see the Foundation help keep children safe in emergencies.
Following the successful completion of three major initiatives with Unicef spanning eight years, one in West Africa, another in India and the recent funding of 1 million vaccines for children around the world, the Foundation is proud to announce the extension of its ground breaking partnership for a further two years. The next phase of the partnership will see the Rangers Charity Foundation support Unicef UK’s Children’s Emergency Fund.
Michael Mols, who is taking on the role of Rangers Unicef Partnership Champion, commented: “Every child is precious and every child deserves an education and protection from violence, exploitation and abuse. Children are the future.
The funds we raise will go to Unicef UK’s Children’s Emergency Fund, which is in place so that Unicef can respond immediately when children are in danger. It’s hard to think of a more powerful cause for the Rangers Charity Foundation to support and I am honoured to be championing this partnership on behalf of the Foundation and doing whatever I can to raise awareness and funds.”
Unicef UK’s Executive Director Mike Penrose said:
“Unicef UK is proud of our long standing partnership with Rangers, which thanks to the fantastic generosity of its fans has already helped hundreds of thousands of children around the world, most recently funding the vaccination of 1 million children against deadly diseases.”
“Now, by supporting Unicef UK’s work to help keep children safe in emergencies, the Rangers Charity Foundation will help to ensure we can respond as quickly as possible when a crisis strikes and help keep more vulnerable children safe.”
For 70 years, Unicef has been a leader for children in emergencies and today responds to hundreds of humanitarian emergencies every year. When a disaster strikes, children are the hardest hit – and they make up more than half of those affected. Many emergencies don’t reach the headlines, but children’s lives are still at stake. Children’s worlds are turned upside down. Many lose families, their homes, their schools, even their lives.
Unicef UK’s Children’s Emergency Fund enables Unicef to provide a rapid response for children affected by emergencies, whenever and wherever they hit. This means that Unicef is able to respond immediately with funds to help children, without having to wait to launch a public appeal. The Fund is vital for Unicef to help children caught up in emergencies that may not have attracted wide attention or where interest has waned.
Rangers Charity Foundation Director Connal Cochrane commented, “Unicef is a valued friend of the Foundation and our longest standing official charity partner. Our legacy of supporting the world’s most vulnerable children in their hour of need is growing. We are proud of the difference we have been able to make, and when tragedy and disaster strike across the world we want to play our part in keeping children safe. The charitable spirit of our supporters is second to none and along with Michael’s backing I am delighted to see this important announcement being made”.