New Changing Room Course Starting Soon
Wed 7th September 2022

The Foundation is delighted to announced that our mental health programme, The Changing Room, is back for a new 12-week course starting Thursday 29 September.
The Changing Room has one goal – to promote men’s mental health and wellbeing through the power of football – and our second 12-week course invites men to step down from the stands, into the heart of their club, to take action for their mental health.
The Changing Room is a SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) project that works in partnership with SPFL Trust and football club charities and trusts across Scotland.
The project targets men in their middle years (aged 30-64) and works to help guys better self-manage their mental health and support one another, as part of a team. The sessions are a chance to get away from everyday stresses and chat about football and mental health at the home of Rangers Football Club.
Lots of us like a blether about pre-match tactics, team selection, or post-match analysis with pals. But men also need to get the stuff that’s bothering them off their chests. The Changing Room is here for them.
One participant had this to say about the course: “I don’t know at what point it clicked for me, but it did. I built a brilliant network of friends and I hadn’t had as much fun as I had in ages.
“Since coming along to the Changing Room I’ve came on leaps and bounds, I’ve sought professional advice, rekindled friendships and I’ve been open about my emotions with my family; I feel that I’m as close to them as I’ve ever been.”
Courses are running at the Ibrox Community Hub every Thursday from 29th September at 5-7pm with each session open to a maximum of 16 people.
Interested in joining? Email with your contact details to sign up!