Rangers Urges Fans To Support Unicef’s Mexico Earthquake Appeal
Thu 21st September 2017

The Rangers Charity Foundation has added to its ongoing commitment of donating £25,000 per year to Unicef’s Children’s Emergency Fund by donating an additional £1,000 to the Unicef Mexico Earthquake Appeal.
The Foundation’s response comes in the wake of Tuesday’s powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake which has caused devastation and killed hundreds of people, with many more missing. The earthquake has toppled buildings across Mexico, trapping people and cutting off water and electricity supplies. A whole school has also collapsed, trapping children inside.
Unicef has also sent rapid deployment teams to the affected areas and is working with the Mexican Government to assess the needs of children, especially around education and physiological support.
The Foundation and Club, along with players Eduardo Herrera and Carlos Peña, are urging fans to donate to Unicef’s Mexico Earthquake Appeal at
Eduardo Herrera and Carlos Peña are both obviously concerned about the devastation caused in their home country.
Eduardo Herrera, who is from Mexico City, commented: “I want to express all my support to my fellow people in Mexico who have suffered losses in this terrible earthquake.
“I feel very proud of the people, how they are reacting to this terrible event. A lot of people have been helping, donating – not only food but essentials and also money to help all those who have suffered losses. It’s really good to see how all the people are united.
“Also, people outside Mexico are helping and that’s really good and I would like to invite all the people to donate, to help.”
Mark Devlin, Chief Operating Officer, Unicef UK said: “Children are the most vulnerable in disasters like this, especially when their homes and schools are damaged or destroyed. The Rangers Charity Foundation has worked in partnership with Unicef UK for nearly ten years and we are so grateful for their continued support that enables us to help children quickly in emergencies.”
Most recently the Foundation has donated £25,000 to Unicef’s Children’s Emergency Fund, which is used to help children in emergencies and disasters when funds are needed.
Previously, it has donated to a number of vital Unicef projects, including £300,000 for 1 million vaccines for vulnerable children, £200,000 for the renovation and equipping of health centres in Togo, West Africa and £100,000 for an education programme for girls in India.
Connal Cochrane, Rangers Charity Foundation Director, added: “With Carlos and Eduardo at the Club, Rangers has very strong links to Mexico and we are committed through our long-standing partnership with Unicef to help children and their families in tragic situations such as this.
“I have visited Mexico before and it is a beautiful country with wonderful people and I was very shocked to hear of the impact of the recent earthquakes in the country. In addition to our ongoing support to the Children’s Emergency Fund, the Foundation is making an additional donation to Unicef of £1,000 via its Mexico Appeal Fund.
“The charitable spirit of the Rangers Family is second to none and we know they will share our, Carlos and Eduardo’s concerns. We are asking the Rangers fans to show their support by donating what they can to Unicef’s Mexico Earthquake Appeal.”
To donate directly to the appeal go online today to