
Ross Conquers Cycle Challenge

Thu 4th August 2016

Well done to Rangers fan Ross Beattie, who completed the RideLondon 100 mile cycle race and raised over £800 for the Foundation in the process!

It was a tough course, but Ross had a fantastic sense of achievement when he crossed the finish line and collected his well-deserved RideLondon medal.  And he’ll be collecting another medal soon when he comes along to one of our forthcoming receptions to receive his True Blue Hero medal from a first team player.

Here’s a little insight into Ross’s amazing experience on the day.  He commented:

“Leith Hill, which is at the 58 mile point, was a bit of a thigh burner.  I certainly felt like the king of the mountains after successfully cycling all the way up!

“From there on it was pretty much all downhill into Dorking and then up to Box Hill, which having experienced before I knew to just grind away and get to the feeder station at the top.

“After a quick refuel it was back on the bike to tackle the remaining 32 miles which, with the exception of a nasty hill in Wimbledon at 91 miles, was quite enjoyable.

“The atmosphere as we went through some of the villages and towns in Surrey and on the way back into London was great with the crowds turning out to support and cheers us along.”

“Although there were a couple of points when I thought I’d prefer to be sat at the side of the road in my deck chair with a beer in my hand cheering people on rather than spinning away in the saddle.

“As we came into the West end of London along the Kings Road then on to the Embankment I started to get a sense of achievement as I knew I was nearing the end, but I must admit after passing a 5KM to go sign I thought it was the longest 5KM I have ever cycled.

“The feeling of turning on to the Mall and cycling up toward the Palace was great, with the crowds lining both sides cheering us on and my wife even managed to spot me and give me a big scream of encouragement which inspired me to attempt a half-hearted sprint for the line and the medal! 

“I am so glad that I applied to cycle for the Rangers Charity Foundation and as of Sunday evening I have managed to raise £811.80 through my JustGiving page, which is way, way beyond my expectations.”

“Hopefully this will help the Foundation continue the great work you guys do and look forward to receiving more details about the True Blue Hero reception being held in September.“

Well done Ross on such a massive achievement!


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