
Strategic Development Announced For Foundation

Tue 29th March 2016

Rangers Football Club and the Rangers Charity Foundation are pleased to announce a significant expansion of the work of the Rangers Charity Foundation.  From the beginning of April, the Foundation will take responsibility for all charitable community programmes currently delivered via the Club together with strategic responsibility for the development of the Rangers Study Support Centre which is run in partnership with Glasgow City Council.  This means that for the first time all charitable and community activities associated with the Club will be delivered under one umbrella.   

The Foundation will continue its excellent work via key charity partnerships and its extensive programme of in-kind activity, and now with this expanded responsibility will develop an ambitious strategy to make a positive and lasting difference to the wider community – in the Govan area, across Glasgow and far beyond. 

Current community programmes which have to date been delivered by the Football In The Community Department include the hugely successful Football Fans in Training initiative, Glasgow Veterans United, Tobacco and Young People, Recovery with Rangers, the Old Firm Alliance and Football Memories projects.  One of the first new projects to be delivered by the Foundation will be an Amputee Football Pilot Project.  

The Rangers Study Support Centre was the first of its kind in Scotland and in partnership with Glasgow City Council currently delivers programmes to 7 schools per week across themes such as equality, employability, literacy and numeracy.  Over the years the centre’s programmes have proved inspirational to thousands of children, with its success becoming a model for similar initiatives around the country. 

The Rangers Charity Foundation has a proud tradition of helping those most in need on behalf of the Rangers Family and a widely admired partnership approach to working with charities to fund particular projects whilst at the same time increasing awareness about important causes.  

Most recently the Foundation donated £70,000 in support of Glasgow City Mission’s Winter Night Shelter for people affected by homelessness following the amazing response from fans who took part in the Big Ibrox Sleep Out events in December.  The Foundation is also on target to make significant donations to charity partners Alzheimer Scotland and, via its special Armed Forces Partnership, to charities supporting forces personnel and veterans.  The Foundation is also on track to help fund 1 million vaccines with Unicef UK for vulnerable children around the world.  
The charity’s award winning True Blue Heroes campaign continues to bring Rangers fans together for the greater good – and with almost 200 children and adults signed up to the True Blue Hero Fun Run at Ibrox on Saturday 16 April, the enthusiasm and generosity of our supporters is stronger than ever. 

Rangers Managing Director Stewart Robertson commented: “The promotion of true Rangers values and community engagement are cornerstones of our strategy going forward and the Club is immensely proud of the work that the Rangers Charity Foundation has done over many years and the clear affection and loyalty with which our fans support it.  Its achievements to date are tremendous and today’s announcement is a significant milestone, not just for the Foundation but also for the many thousands of people in our communities who will benefit in the future.” 

Rangers Charity Foundation Director Connal Cochrane added: “The Rangers Charity Foundation has always been a force for good on behalf of the Rangers Family and the close relationship we have developed with our supporters has been absolutely key to our success to date – their charitable spirit and generosity is second to none. 

“It’s very much business as usual for all our charity partnerships, our fundraising activity and the in-kind support we provide to thousands of people up and down the country.  The vast majority of existing community programme activity is either externally funded or delivered in partnership with others.  This arrangement will largely continue, but the Foundation will also develop a new strategic approach which will allow us to create new programmes in line with our charitable aims and objectives to deliver powerful benefits, whether that be improved health, access to sporting opportunities, the strength to move on from the blight of addiction or the chance of a job for the first time.  

“The potential for the Rangers Charity Foundation to transform people’s lives for the better is huge and I look forward to working with our amazing supporters, everyone at the Club, the players, fans and wider community to take this aspiration forward.”

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