SQA Programme Of Wider Achievement
The Rangers Charity Foundation’s Wider Achievement programme has helped young people across the city re-engage with their education to help them build a brighter future. We work with a variety of schools to support pupils who may not be engaging optimally but could benefit from a different learning environment. Pupils come to Ibrox Stadium one day a week to gain qualifications, get exposure to industry partners and develop their skills.
We are an SQA Approved Centre, and can therefore offer SQA qualifications which recognise wider achievement and the development of skills which will help learners to succeed in today’s world. First Aid and Mental Health First Aid are examples of the accreditation available.
Wider Achievement recognises the life and work skills that come from a wide range of activities which can include sport, mentoring, voluntary work or fundraising activities — whether they take place at school, college or elsewhere.
There are a number of SQA Awards and other qualifications from SCQF levels 1 to 6 which are suitable for a wide range of learners that we can deliver:
Steps to Work Award SCQF Level 3/4
The Steps to Work Award has been designed to extend the reach of SQA qualifications to further meet the needs of a range of learners. The Award may increase the choice and opportunity available to learners within and beyond compulsory education and may particularly support the learning opportunities of vulnerable, disengaged and hard to reach young people.
Award in Employability SCQF Level 3/4
The Award is designed to prepare candidates to enter the world of work. It aims to enable young people to be successful in making, and sustaining, the transition from non-work environments into employment. As a result, they will be better equipped to channel their aspirations to work into actual employment. The Award is also designed to contribute to the development of the four purposes of the Curriculum for Excellence: successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
Sport & Recreation (Skills for Work) Course SCQF Level 4/5
This Sport and Recreation Course has been designed to provide a basis for progression into further education and training/employment in the sports and recreation sector. The Course will allow candidates to start to develop the general and practical skills, knowledge and understanding and employability skills and attitudes needed in the sector.
Physical Education: Performance A and B SCQF Level 3
The Physical Education: Performance Units at Access 3 offer candidates the opportunity to develop their performance in a number of activities. By the end of the Units candidates should be able to select and combine a few skills to be reasonably effective in carefully controlled performance contexts offering a narrow range of options.
Personal Development: Practical Abilities Unit SCQF Level 3/4
The general aim of this Unit is to allow learners to improve their self-reliance and confidence by developing their practical abilities while participating in one or more projects, with directive support. It is expected that learners will develop broad, generic skills through this Unit.
First Aid at Work (SCQF Level 6) and First Aid for Mental Health (SCQF Level 5)
For further information please contact Jamie Duncanson, Senior Community Executive, Rangers Charity Foundation, 0141 580 8740, jamieduncanson@rangers.co.uk.
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